368.4 / O733wo 2010

International Labour Office

World Social Security Report 2010/11: providing coverage in times of crisis and beyond . -- Switzerland: International Labour Office, 2010. xvi, 278 p. : cuadros; 28 cm.

Introduction. Context, objectives, scope and structure of the report. Part I. Monitoring the state of social security coverage. 1 Defi nitions, standards and concepts. 2 Scope of social security coverage around the world: context and overview. 3 Social health protection coverage. 4 Coverage by social security pensions: Income security in old age. 5 Income support to the unemployed. 6 Coverage by other branches of social security. 7 Minimum income support and other social assistance. 8 Investments in social security: Amounts, results and effi ciency. 9 Identifying factors for extended social security coverage. PART II. Thematic focus: Social security in times of crisis. 10 Responding to economic crisis with social security. Conclusion. Closing the coverage gaps and building social security for all. Bibliography. Statistical Annex.

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Seguridad social--2011--Estadísticas

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